Transport chain production at pewag with maximum quality and cleanliness
Chain manufacturer carries out heat treatment in-house and uses BvL cleaning system
No compromises on quality – to achieve its top priority of absolute customer satisfaction, the long-established Austrian chain manufacturer pewag always follows this principle. The success of the group of companies proves these values: With 8 production facilities and almost 30 other locations, pewag has grown to become the worldwide leading chain manufacturer since its foundation as a smithy in the 15th century.
During production, the different chain types undergo a variety of process steps. For maximum stability and absolute reliability of the chains, the heat treatment process is an essential component. The technological characteristics of the steel are changed permanently to allow the required high stress on the chains. This heat treatment also includes the correct cleaning process. Before the heat treatment process, oil contamination and drawing compound residue have to be removed from the chains to allow application of even layers during further processing. After the treatment, it is important to remove the stop-off paints and quenching oils without residue.
A NiagaraVE cleaning system from the experienced manufacturer BvL Oberflächentechnik GmbH was recently installed for this process. The integrated special nozzle system with flat jet nozzles ensures spray cleaning of the chains in the heat treatment frames from all sides. The subsequent flood cleaning additionally removes any remaining contamination even from the smallest spaces between the horizontal chains. Both process steps are carried out subsequently with fresh water from the rinsing tank to remove the cleaning agent. An integrated circulating air drying system is used for drying the chains.
The proven system is designed for the full-shift operation required at pewag. For this, it is connected to the automated loading and unloading system.
Consulting and order handling were conducted with the Austrian sales partner Glogar Umwelttechnik GmbH.